
Friday, August 13, 2010

Cricut Circle and Wee Memories

Eek! This morning I just finally took the plunge and decided to become a Circlet. I got the invitation back in June, but just didn't know enough about it to decide whether or not to join. Now I know a little more and will definitely be deciding whether it was worth it later on... I don't do "impulse buys" or really spend money superfluously on myself very often at all. My husband was thrilled that I would make an "I just really want this" decision. Haha. Now I can't wait to get my welcome pack!!!

This is the final day to get your submissions into the Wee Memories Challenge. The theme is butterflies. Hurry! Mr. Linky closes in 15 hours!

Don't forget about my giveaway. I woke up this morning and both cartridges were on my doorstep. I ordered them on the 9th! How fast is that! Love it and excited that at least one will be leaving me and heading to one of you! They do look so cute though... I could renege and keep both... Nah, I'll keep the contest going ;)

Also, especially if you're a scrap booker, check out the layouts the Design Team made over at the Cuttlebug Challenges!

That's all for today! Happy Friday! My mom is coming up to San Francisco today and I am excited to have "mommy and me" time.

Tomorrow I will have posts for both my project for the Cuttlebug Challenges AND WeeMemories. I am very excited about both.

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