
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Greetings from Paris!

I arrived in Paris late last night and we are off to explore the city now! I just wanted to check in and say I had a fabulous time in London and can't wait to see what Paris holds. It is raining today which is perfect. 

Have any of you seen the old version of Sabrina with Humphrey Bogart and Audrey Hepburn? Remember what it says? "Always order rain on the first day and never an umbrella..." I hoped for this and am very excited it is coming true. :) I love all things Audrey Hepburn. 

Well I hope you have liked the projects that I have set up so far when I was gone, but I have to admit, I saved the best for last. 

Late tonight/early tomorrow morning is our Be Inspired Wednesday post - I will warn you - mine is SWEET. :) And there are three more posts before I get home. Two Halloween ones and one autumn one that is my favorite of the bunch.

Okay, I'm off to get a *real* hot chocolate and a chocolate croissant apparently. I am already anticipating the sugar high. 

I hope you all find something today that brings you joy, happiness, and peace and maybe even chocolate! 

Au revoir! 


  1. Hello! This means my card today is perfect for the occasion. Have a great time in Paris!

  2. So jealous! I am now craving a pain au chocolat!! They are the best! Hope you are having a great time :)


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