
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving and Imaginisce DT Call!

Happy Thanksgiving to ALL of you out there in bloggy-land! 

I also wanted you to know (short notice, sorry!) that Imaginisce is having a DT call!!! It ends tomorrow so make sure to get your entries in!! I had a FABULOUS time on the DT and loved those girls! While I won't be re-applying in order to make room for something new, I want to encourage all of you to! Cari is the new DT leader and she is ABSOLUTELY wonderful! Check it out HERE!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving!! And I'm dying to know what you're making room for! I know it's good because you're super awesome!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving Court! I can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve!!!! :)

  3. Can't wait to see what's in your future.... you crafty little thing! I'll be checking back to see thought!

    I hate to hear that you won't be staying on the DT at Imaginisce! I put my application in Tuesday so my fingers are crossed! UGH!! I hate this part!


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