
Friday, March 2, 2012

Winner of the Clip it Up Ribbon Organizer!

***Check back early tomorrow morning for the Shop Pumpkin Spice blog hop, a challenge, and a prize!***

And the winner is.......
SUE D!!!

This is the comment she left on my blog. :) 

I did double check and she did leave a message on the Simple Renee Inc blog:

Thank you SO much for your nice words on both our blogs. Please email me at with your address and I will pass it along so that your ribbon organizer gets right out to you! I know you will LOVE it! A HUGE THANK YOU to SIMPLY RENEE to donating the ribbon organizer for this giveaway!!

Now for those of you that did not win, fear not! Simply Renee Inc is having a giveaway on their blog starting on March 5th. They are giving away an ENTIRE All-in-One unit!! Keep checking back on their blog starting on the 5th to see how you can win it! It looks like it's just the frame on the link, but it's not. It's totally decked out!


  1. Congrats to your winner!
    Oh yea I am scoping out the All in One so want to have one of those

  2. Congrats to Sue. I'm excited about Simply Renee's upcoming giveaway. That'll be one lucky person to win it. :)

  3. Congrats To the Winner, Thank you for the chance of an awesome gift.

  4. Wow--I am so excited to have won--this will definitely help organize my craft space.


These comments make my day! Thank you for taking the time!