
Thursday, July 5, 2012

500th post Giveaway Day 2!

Mini Albums!!! 

I have hoarded these planning to use them and have never gotten around to it. So, for those of you who love to do mini albums, here is a giveaway for you! 

Thank you for all of the sweet things you have all been saying! I really appreciate it! I am going to try to come around to all of your blogs today if possible to say hello! I was also asked what my due date is and it's July 29th, although... my midwife doesn't think I will make it that long... It's more like we're trying to make it to 37 weeks on Sunday. haha. But with a baby you never know! 

Hugs to all of you! The same "rules" apply as before. I won't repeat them with every post. If you missed the Day 1 giveaway, then check it out HERE


  1. Congrats on your 500 posts Court!! ;) Hang in there with that little one, those last couple of weeks, that waiting, waiting, waiting can get to ya---you just want them HERE!!!! ;)

  2. Good luck with the baby, for me, those last few weeks were the hardest..just the anticipation of when baby was going to make her appearance!

    Great giveaway! :)

  3. Bryan was born the day I turned 37 weeks...and he was 10 lbs. He turned seven this past sunday. Time sure flies. I'll be sending happy thoughts your way. Geez...I never did send the guava, did I? Email me your address.


  4. Congrats once again, it must be hard being pregant in this heat, but soon you will be able to hold the new little one in your arms.

  5. Oh how EXCITING! I didn't realize that you were that close to being due! I hope it is early - but I can't believe how many people hear that and then go late - so hopefully you don't have to wait too long to meet this new little one! Wishing you all the best!

  6. Court, just relax and enjoy these last few weeks. Before you know it your little one will be here. Get as much rest as you can. Lots of hugs!!

  7. Wow Congrats on the baby. Wow get lots of rest now and relax. You will do just fine when the baby comes.
    AJ Scrapbooking & Cards~

  8. congrats on 500 posts and a new baby. hang in there.
    littlen44 at gmail dot com

  9. Congrats on day 2-- what a great way to celebrate 500 posts.

  10. Hi Court!!!I hope that some day I may be able to reach 500 posts!!I have a long wait to go but its so much fun....I have me some fabulous people in my life and so I am wishing you the best and more posts please.....LOL..Thank you for stopping by my blog ad leaving me some bloggy love..till tomorrow..
    Have a blessed day!!!

  11. Woohoo for day 2...Congrats again on 500 posts...and baby! Thanks for sharing such an exciting time!

  12. I don't make minialbums too often, but i would love to start doing so! I have so many ideas and they're so great to give away as gifts! Thanks for the chance to win Court!

  13. i haven';t made a minin album but I would love to try.. it is intimadating but I am sure i can do it! thanks for the cance

  14. Hi Court! Congrats again on your 500 posts... I am looking forward to seeing the next 500. :) I have seen a lot of really cool mini albums and would love to give it a try myself.
    Enjoy your last few weeks (days??) until your little one arrives... I am soo excited for you!! :)

  15. My oldest was born on July 26th...she insists this is a perfect day for a

  16. So exciting to be so close to your date :) congrats and i hope you survive the heat.
    Thanks for the fun giveaway.

  17. Court, you're too kind! I'm so excited for you! 500 is HUGE! Keep it up! You're such an inspiration!

  18. Again congrats on 500 posts and also on the baby to be get some rest you will need it after the baby arrives!

  19. Remember to sleep now. If you plan on breastfeeding, remember the fish lip latch, it is the key to success! Take care.

  20. You are such a busy lady! Congrats on your 500th post and go lie down now!you need it!

  21. Wow Court! You must be so excited that you'll be able to carry your precious little bundle in your arms soon! :)
    I can still remember when my two boys were born...they are 14 and 16 now...they grow up so unbelievably fast! Best wishes to you and your hubby...enjoy every moment with your new baby! Thank you for all the inspirations! Have a wonderful weekend! ;)


  22. Thanks for the chance to win so many great goodies while celebrating your 500th post. I love mini albums...they give me the sense of accomplishment when they are done and are great for themes!

  23. Oh my goodness, you just don't know how happy I am for you. July is a fabulous month to have a baby, 2 of my babies were born this month. My son will be 5 on July 27 and my daughter will be 4 on July 17.

    Congrats on 500 posts, that is awesome!! When I live closer I am going to have to plan a trip to see you. :-)

  24. Just starting to do mini albums. Would love to win this!

  25. I made a couple of mini albums using CD's for Christmas, loved them. Get as much rest as you can now, you'll need it. haha

  26. Love mini's. Oh the last few weeks seem to drag on forever and then you are so busy you will look for the slow time. Get lots of rest. Regina

  27. Congrats on the baby! Its been a hot summer, can't imagine being preggo in this heat! Tanya
    phenis2031 at yahoo dot com

  28. Congrats on you 500th post and your upcoming baby! Sleep, sleep, sleep while you can!! Love me some mini books, thanks for the chance!
    Gohogwild dot Renee at gmail dot com

  29. I know you're looking forward to your baby...congratulations! Thanks for the giveaways, and for sharing your talents with all of us!

    one 4 god 3 at yahoo dot com

  30. Woo Hoo.... Your blog is awesome!

  31. Wow, you are getting close to your due brother's bday is the 10th and my hubby's is the 25th ... hugs! Leah Ann

  32. Love mini albums and hope for a speedy delivery.
    slrdowney at hotmail dot com

  33. Congrats!
    I LOVE to mae mini albums! This would be a great win!!!
    Thanks for the chance!

  34. With this giveaway--are you sharing ideas for mini albums and tips?? I am in desperate need of advice:) LOL!

    I can't wait to see pics of your new little one:) HUGS!

  35. albums are my favorite thing to create! They are small and yet you can do so much with them...congrats on your impending's to an easy delivery! Much love!
    Tanya T

  36. I am so excited for you! It will be fun to have a July baby! I am a July baby. Good Luck, and relax these next few weeks! My nephew was born last year on July 29! I would love to win this mini album stuff! It is on my list to make one sometime!! :)

  37. Hang in there with the baby! I am currently pregnant with number 2 and I'm having a horrible time (already on bedrest and I'm almost 20 weeks). Hope it goes fast and easy!

  38. I have made one book but not a mini album yet - look forward to tackling that next :)

  39. I've done a few, but I love mini albums! Hope you had a great 4th of July!

  40. I have attempted one mini album. I really would like to do a few to give to a few friends.

    marg0006 at verizon dot net

  41. I love to work with mini albums, thanks for a chance to win!

  42. OMG, I know I haven't been visiting as much lately, but I did not realize that you are expecting!! Or maybe I did, but forgot (old age does that to you). Regardless, wow, so happy for you Court, and I'm sure you're so excited! Such wonderful, wonderful news. Congratulations to you and your hubby. Bet you can't wait.--Pat N.

  43. Congratulations on your pregnancy. Wishing you all the best for a safe delivery.

  44. Yummy...would love to try some mins, thanks for a chance to win.

  45. Looks awesome. You are soo generous to be giving away all of these goodies.


  46. I love to make mini-albums for birthdays and Christmas presents. My son (3 years old) has really started to enjoy looking at pictures so I plan to make some for him. Thank you for the opportunity to win!

  47. I absolutely love mini albums. Awesome prize. Thanks!

  48. Mini albums are so much fun to make! Thank you for sharing the supplies with us. =-)


  49. A person could totally make some cute mini books with this.

    Sew Sweet N Crafty


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