
Friday, December 20, 2013

My Creative Time Farewell Blog Hop

 "Welcome to our "Farewell Blog Hop"! We are doing this hop to HONOR & send off our "Current design team" in a fun way. Since all of us have become friends, we are doing our LAST blog hop together making it a "Friendship"  theme.  I hope all of "YOU" thoroughly enjoyed this team as much as we did! Since this is a special day, there will be a giveaway at EACH STOP! Yep, that means we are having a total of 19 giveaways! All you have to do is leave your comments in order to qualify! Emma will announce all the winners on Monday, 12/23/2013 on here blog! Here is what I am giving away today:

You should have gotten here from Cindy's blog.

Eek! I am having some difficulties with my project. I will do my best to get it up tomorrow morning! 

I had SUCH a blast being a part of My Creative Time for the past year. Emma is so incredibly generous, kind, understanding, and she cares SOOOO much about all of YOU!!! I am very very very proud to be an alumni of the My Creative Time team. I chose not to re-apply with a baby on the way, but I absolutely think ALL OF YOU SHOULD! I think you have until midnight tonight. :) 

Emma, thank you SO much for inviting me to be a member of you team! BIG hugs!

"There will be a sale in the My Creative Time store HERE FOR THIS WEEKEND ONLY starting Friday, December 20th & ENDS on Sunday, Dec 22 @ midnight PST!  

Use code:  FAREWELL2013 to get 25% off all IN STOCK ITEMS ONLY!!!

Now hop on over to Glora's blog!

Monday, December 16, 2013

May Arts Ribbonista Handmade Gifts Blog Hop!

***Scroll down to next post to see the winners for the 12 days of Christmas giveaways! :) ***

Hello and welcome to the May Arts Ribbon handmade gifts hop! You are going to LOVE the inspiration that you find along this hop! We have been posting sneaks for ourselves on our private page and I have been SO inspired by their creativity! I know you will be too!

You should have gotten here from Charlene's blog! If not, start HERE at the May Arts Ribbon blog and check out the GIVEAWAY they have going on! :) 

My best friend Kourtni and her two children are coming here for Christmas this year. I wanted them to have a little something that made it feel like “home” so I made these stockings for them. (Any excuse to embroider and to sew with ribbon is a good one to me!) I hope they like them! I cut out a boot shape and a big rectangle that ended up being the cuff and kept it simple. I let May Arts Ribbon dress them up. I can’t wait to see the looks on their faces!

May Arts Ribbon Used:
445-15: 1.5" Faux Burlap/Wired Ribbon

Okay, now you are off to the fabulously creative DeeDee's blog

Winners Winners and a lot of questions answered. :)

Oh my goodness! You all asked some fabulous questions!!! I was hoping this would be a way to get to know me a little better and to answer any questions you might have been harboring. :) 

I'll just dive right in:

Stephanie asked how I was feeling: Thank you for asking! I am tired these days chasing a toddler around and feeling huge! But I am thankful. Thankful every day. I know how lucky I am to be feeling this tired. Plenty of women wish they could be pregnant. :)

Tracy M asked "Do you find that you overlap products between projects for your different design team posts or do you use non-DT brands too?": Both! I LOVE the companies that I design for so much so most of the time you will see me using them even for non-DT projects. But of course I still get excited about other lines that are out and just "have to have them". 

Kailash and Jessica asked where I draw my inspiration from: Honestly, sometimes it's just a "Wouldn't this be cool on a card?" I sometimes bounce ideas off my husband and he makes them so much better! Pinterest, some of my creative hero blogs (Melinda Spinks, Shellye McDaniel, Stephanie Buice, Lori Allred), and all of YOU! When you leave me comments and feedback I get totally inspired to create more!

Gregsgirl asked what was my favorite crafty item to use: I just got the Bow it All by Zutter and I am totally obsessed. I made two videos which will be featured on the May Arts Ribbon blog by the end of the month. I LOVE my Xyron tools and constantly think of ways to use them. I'm about to make up a kid's craft with them! :) To be seen... 

D asked how old Emmaline is now: 16 months!!! I have to share a picture of course. :) 
 Snuggle time after nap time: 
 This was Emmaline putting her bear down her shirt... I asked her why and she pointed to her belly with the bear in it and then walked over to my belly and pointed. She now calls this bear "baby bear".

Cebelica asked what my favorite thing about Christmas is: the twinkle-lights. I am a Christian and I definitely know the reason for the season, but the twinkle lights just bring out such joy in me. I love the stars and I feel like they are everywhere when the twinkle lights are out.

Shari and Carla from Utah asked what inspired me to start blogging: My husband. He insisted that I put my work somewhere that I could remember it. He signed me up for my blog! He also convinced me that I needed a Cricut. :) 

Alexia asked how long I have been crafting for: 3 years. I started in January of 2011 so coming up on 3 years. :)

Bearsmother asked if it was hard to give away my crafty stuff: sometimes. But I remember how incredibly excited I was (and still am!) when I win a giveaway and how much it inspired me (and still does!) to have new product. If I can do that for any one of you then I am happy to pay the shipping to your doorstep! :) 

Patti asked how I use my Xyron tools.... oh Patti, you have opened a can of worms. :) I LOVE laminating, I have made calendar magnets to go on the fridge, I have made menus for dinner parties and stickers for Emmaline to use. If you want more specifics, you can click on the labels to the right on Xyron and I tag most every post that I do using Xyron. :) 

Wendy asked me about my mommy/daughter time the other day: Emmaline is 16 months. It's a place called "Parent's Place" and we went to a mommy/daughter toddler class. She painted for the first time and LOVED it! I should take a picture of her painting. I'm so proud. :) I don't think they let anyone who doesn't come with a toddler in though Wendy. :( But you can come hang out at our house afterwards! :) 

Pam H and Kimberly asked how I find the time to keep it all up: haha. Some days I feel like I am always behind.  Other days I catch up. My husband is currently working on his computer snuggling next to me while the Hobbit is playing in the background as I write this - baby monitor is next to me - and the laundry is in the dryer - and the dishwasher is going.. yep, that about sums it up. :) I'm a champion multi-tasker. :) My husband encourages me and he works a lot. Crafting keeps me sane. :)

Jennifer asked how big my crafty space is: We lived in San Francisco in a 450 sq. ft. studio so it used to be whatever I could store under the bed on one side (the other had drawers for clothes). We got here and I was using the guest bedroom which is big. But we just moved it out to the sunroom to make a real guest room... and had the coldest week EVER... it was like 35 degrees in there so I was running out to grab supplies and bringing them in! But it's about 8 ft wide and 20 feet long. I'll show pictures when I get everything out of boxes again! :) 

Mom of 2 Monsters asked how I find the time to be on so many DTs: I try to keep it to 4 or under and it depends on how much they require. In the new year I will only be on 4 at a total of 8 projects per month required. Fabulous. That is 2 a week with time for me to do "other" projects if I have time. :) I try to keep my card making to under an hour/hour and a half per card. Home decor/sewing projects take much much longer.

Snappy Scrappy asked for intricate cuts if the sticky gets in between the cracks when you put it through your Xyron: Honestly, yes. It can. BUT you just rub your finger over it even before you take it off the sheet and it will come right off. I have never had an issue with it and it has taken me FAR less time to run it through the Xyron and rub then to use liquid adhesive so I still recommend it! :) 

Sherri, Alexis, and Tina asked if I was ready for Christmas: NO! I haven't sent out my family packages yet! eek!!! But I will in the next couple days along with all the winner packages hopefully! :) Getting closer. 

Nicole asked what my favorite layout was and why: Hmmm.. I get SO intimidated by doing layouts! I talked to some of my layout friends and they say they get intimidated by doing cards! haha. My Blue Steel layout is my favorite, but I scrap-lifted it (and got permission and linked of course). I love the colors and the look on Emmaline's face.

Charity C asked if I had any advice for newbies trying to get onto design teams: Make them see you! Social media is huge. When you use their product, post to their FB page. Participate in challenges. I got on Imaginisce in 2011 because I won something from them and sent them a thank you email when I received the product along with projects I made with it. I sent them a thank you note in the mail. It started a wonderful friendship. Take good photos and in general for projects I try to stick to the the tri-color rule of using a max of 3 main colors (not including neutrals) on a project. I just like the way it looks more. But most of all: do what YOU LOVE. You will find a DT that works with YOU and likes your style. Hang in there!

Sugarlips and Beth asked if I had any advice in getting more followers: Hmm.. How did you find me? ;) I used to click on people's blinkies and then the blinkies on their pages, etc. Blinkies have gone out of style a bit. Participate in challenges, comment back on people's blogs (something I have been TERRIBLE about since Emmaline was born), and be genuine. 

Iris asked what inspired me to part with so much of my stash: Two things: I LOVE winning prizes and want to give back and give away prizes myself! And secondly, we have made 3 house moves in the last 18 months. Nothing makes you want to purge like moving!

Sharla asked what my favorite holiday tradition was: I love picking out/decorating my mom's Christmas tree. And I love putting up the outside lights with my dad. With my husband's family we read "twas the night before Christmas" every Christmas Eve and I love that too! :) 

Hattie asked what my #1 crafty item on my wishlist is: a Silhouette Cameo!! AND it's on the way to me! My husband just got it for me for Christmas during the Black Friday bundle deal! :) Next up are the punch boards from We R Memory Keepers. I drool over them but I don't own any yet!

Mommy's Crafty Creations asked if I clean as I go or leave my crafty mess for another day: I used to clean as I went. I have to have a clean space to craft. But since I have had Emmaline sometimes I only have 15 minutes to craft until she wakes up from her nap and after some of my chores are done - so the mess seems to get left for another day more often then not :( 

Linda asked what my favorite project is: hmm... I honestly don't know. There are some that are more sentimental to me than others - like my first publication - but those that bring others joy or that decorate my house are amongst them.

Kristi asked what projects I am working on: I am working on a Santa wreath for May Arts which hopefully will be able to be posted pre-Christmas. tick-tock! AND I just got my first Doodlebug box and am about to get all kinds of Valentine's happy! :) I have a few ideas I am excited about!

Jan asked how I got into scrapbooking/crafting: I actually went to something called the Maker Faire in San Mateo, CA and Provo Craft was there. I tried a Cuttlebug and knew I was born to emboss! They gave me one as I left and I was so shocked! I have been crafting ever since! :) 

Dorcas asked if I will be having more children or stopping with my two little girls: haha. can you ask my husband!?! It depends on the day. We get a little worried about paying for college with more children, but if we were just doing what we wanted to we would have 4 - a 2 and 2 split with a few years in between the first and latter set. But people say they know when their whole family has arrived and part of me thinks I will feel that way with two. :) We shall see! :)

Sue D asked what I do with all my projects: I send them off to people! Most often then not my projects are made with a person or friend in mind. :) Sending home made cards to people is what inspired me to start crafting in the first place. I want to send joy through the mail into people's mailboxes. :)

Toni asked what my favorite holiday is: That's tough. I love the 4th of July for the fireworks, Thanksgiving for the cooking extravaganza (I once made a whole Bon Appetite Thanksgiving!), and Christmas for the warmth, twinkle lights, traditions, family, and Christmas carols. :)

Diana asked if/how crafting has changed since being a mom:  It certainly has! I can't just sit down when I am inspired - I tend to send myself emails so I don't forget my idea (pregnancy brain!) I also have a lot less time to craft so I feel the need to utilize it to the upmost. I get part of naptime on some days and after she goes to bed on others.

Day 1 Winner:  My Mind's Eye Goodies

 Day 2 Winner: DCWV Haul

Day 3 Winner: My Creative Time Stamps and Dies

 Day 4 Winner: May Arts Ribbon!

 Day 5 Winner: SEI + 1" Sticker Maker from Xryon!

Day 6 Winner: 3" Sticker Maker

Day 7 Winner: Core'dinations goodies + Xyron Mega Runner

Day 8 Winner: My Pink Stamper Exclusive Stamps 

Day 9 Winner: 6x6 Paper Pads

 Day 10 winner: Imaginisce Haul

Day 11 Winner: Canvas Corp

Day 12 Winner: Bazzill, Apron, Heidi Grace and Xyron 1.5" Sticker Maker

CONGRATS WINNERS!!!! I need you to send me your addresses and I will ship the goodies out! :)

Also, Kailash, you need to send me your choice of two spools of ribbons from the Christmas section of May Arts. :) I need the exact skus. :)

Congrats to all the winners, thank you for the fabulous comments and I do this at least once a year and sometimes more so check back! :) 

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Day 12 Giveaway

Alas, we have come to the end of the 12 days of Christmas giveaways. :( I am SOOOO looking forward to pulling the winners and sending all of these goodies off to fabulous homes! :) :) :)

and.... a 1.5" Sticker Maker from Xyron!!! I USE THIS ALL THE TIME!!! But mine has sparkles. I don't know how I got a sparkle one.... huh. :) 

For the final entry - leave a comment as usual, but ask me a question - any question. It can be about me or something you've seen on a project, or my daughter or anything! I'll answer all your questions in my winner's post!

I did get a question from Pam if there was still time to enter in the previous giveaways. YES! Enter in as many as you would like! I know people's tastes are different so enter in whatever giveaway you want to win. I will give you all through the weekend to comment and announce the winners on Sunday or Monday. 

The previous days for giveaways. 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Day 11 Giveaway - Canvas Corp Paper Stash

Canvas Corp makes some fabulous paper and a while ago they were kind enough to send me... a lot... 

Some of it is headed your direction. Since you all shared your paper enthusiasm, I think you need some of this! Fall in love! :) 

The previous days for giveaways. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

12 Days of Christmas - Day 10 - Imaginisce Haul

So... you all have confessed your paper hoarding tendencies ;) and I SUPPORT YOU!!! :) :) :) I felt terrible that I forgot to load the pic this morning so I added... a lot... :)

Since I am going to be on Imaginisce again I thought I should de-stash and increase yours!!!!

This is definitely an Imaginisce haul... 

Leave a comment on this post if you are interested in winning this super stash! :) 
The previous days for giveaways. 

Monday, December 9, 2013

Pinch Me!! I made the 2014 Doodlebug DT!!!!

Aimee Kidd   North Carolina

Amanda Coleman  Idaho

Candace Zentner   Canada
Courtney Lee California <-----woah me="" nbsp="" s="" span="" that="">

Kathy Skou  MA

Jodi Wilton  Canada

Melinda Spinks  Australia    

Mendi Yoshikawa   Washington

Sharm Nidyanandan  Malaysia

Shellye McDaniel  Texas

Tya Smith Utah

Wendy Sue Anderson  Utah

I am SOOOOO honored to be on this list. I have NO idea how I will keep up with these uber talented ladies, but I will do my best!!! :) 

Tomorrow's giveaway will be up in the morning. I am exhausted and my husband just returned from his trip being gone. :) I miss him! I'll snap a quick photo and you'll see it tomorrow. 

So glad you are all having SO much fun with this! :) I am too! :) 

Giveaway Day 9!!!

Wow! We are 3/4 of the way done with my 12 Days of Christmas giveaways! 

Thank you for being so kind with your comments! I have loved reading every one and I cannot wait to see who the winners are! :)

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Day 8 Giveaway!

Hello and welcome to Day 8! :) 

Today we have a bunch of exclusive retired My Pink Stamper stamp sets!

A few of the stamps have been gently used, but all are originals - the first ones off the press which is why they don't have any packaging to go with them. They didn't comet o me with any! And the fifth on the right is just a bonus. :) 

Just leave a comment if you would like to be entered to win! :) 

The previous days for giveaways. 

Saturday, December 7, 2013

30 Days of Xyron Holiday Goodness + Giveaway day 7!

Hello and welcome to more of the 30 days of Xyron Holiday Inspiration!!! :) 

I made two SUPER fast and quick projects for you. The only tool you will need besides your Xyrons..... a paper cutter!!! :) 

First up is a stocking stuffer. Our family travels.a.lot. I knew these would be put to good use! I cut out a part of the journaling card as I definitely wanted a pattern that was "year 'round" and boy friendly. Loved this pattern! Hated cutting up that adorable card! ;)

 Next time I will add die cut shapes underneath, some layering and some stitching. But this was a first attempt and a quick one at that! 20 minutes start to finish! :) Give them a try! :) 



Today's giveaway! :) I LOVE Core'dinations and Kraft Core is easily my favorite pack they make! The Vintage Collection is also fabulous... actually everything they make is fabulous. 

a Xyron Mega Runner! Thank you XYRON!!!! 

The previous days for giveaways. 

Friday, December 6, 2013

Xyron and Heidi Swapp Blog Hop and day 6 of my 12 Days of Christmas!

Hello and welcome to the Xyron/Heidi Swapp Blog Hop!

I am SO excited that you arrived here today and hope you find some inspiration! I have made a couple of cards for you and a tutorial below! 

Bird Cage Shaped Card


T'is the Season
All I have to say about this is.... I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Heidi Swapp Color Shine!!!! I am a spritzing dunce and this one sprayed beautifully, spattered fabulously and MUST have all of them!!!! They also have a wonderful shine to them! This one has kind of a gold thing goin' on in person. Gorgeous.


For my 6th day of Christmas Giveaways Xyron has so generously sponsored it and is giving one of you a 3" Sticker Maker of your own! There will be 2 other products from Xyron that they have sponsored for giveaways and the next will be up tomorrow! Just leave a comment to be entered! :) 
The previous days for giveaways. 

Check out the Xyron blog as well as they have a giveaway as well! :)

Happy Hopping!