Jolly good mornin' to you my friends! I am over compensating in happiness as I am at the dentist right now getting work done... boo. ugh. okay, enough complaining and onto the CUTENESS!
LOVIN' this treat slider box die. It's only available for pre-order so if you want one, grab one! That doesn't mean you have missed it. You just have to let her know you want one before she will order it from the manufacturer. It's so easy to put together... seriously... so easy.... The link is below in the recipe.
The scalloped portion was actually designed to go AROUND the little candy bars that fit inside, but I liked it for a sentiment piece.
- Stamps:
- My Creative Time: Treat Box Slider™
- My Creative Time: To My Best Peep™
- Peachy Keen Stamps: Everyday Assortment™
- Paper: Echo Park Springtime™
- Twine: The Twinery in Buttercream™
Be sure to jump on over to the My Creative Time blog to see more 3-D projects!!!