Hello! May Arts is having a DT call and I am IN LOVE with their ribbon. It really is the best quality ribbon out there... You know like when you feel 110 lb. card stock for the first time after using 60 lb. card stock all your life? Yep, it's like that kind of difference in quality. I have been waiting for this call for a while now! You can check it out
I am overseas and will be back June 17th! I forgot to tell you all! If you have been wondering why my posts were so short it was because I was:
a: Moving out of our current house
b: Purchasing a new home
c: Throwing a baby shower for a friend in Montana
d: Throwing a bachelorette party for a friend in Vegas the weekend before I...
e: Left on a month long trip to Europe
...with a 8/9 month old...
... yes ... I know.... I am crazy...
I am currently in Stockholm, Sweden! It's an amazing city.
Anyway, I saw this call after I left and I had a few projects prepared. You have seen most of these except for the Sophia blanket. :)
Up first: This is a dress made for Miss Emmaline using the
Eyelet Trim 447-38-01 (click on the names of the ribbon to take you to the item on May Arts.com.)
This is a home decor project I did. It was loose wheat bought at the grocery store during autumn. I had it around still (I know, I know... change your decorations up, Court!).
1. Because I wanted the wheat to look "just so", I put packing tape around it first so that it would hold.
2. I then used my kitchen shears to cut the end so it was uniform.
3. Next, I wrapped it in the
4" Wired Burlap 398-4-11 (it also comes in a smaller width) - yes, you read that right - WIRED BURLAP! love. it.
A friend's daughter was due to be born and they "released" her name (she is here and gorgeous now)! Emmaline LOVES her bunny lovey blanket and sleeps with it during every nap and at night. I wanted to make one for miss Sofia.
1. I bought this fabric and simply cut two 12" squares.
2. Next I used my embroidery machine to customize and make this pattern for her. Her parents are travelers and love Paris so I thought she would definitely be heading there in her future. :)
3 I put all-natural batting in between and then sewed around the edges.
4. I wanted an uber-ruffled look around the edges and also something that Sofia could play with and suck on. Because May Arts ribbon has perfectly finished edges, I was able to use the
3" Black Single Faced Satin/ Bias Cut KK-10 and put one edge on one side of the blanket, the other edge on the other side and then zig-zag sew the ruffles in place. This took a lot of ribbon, a LOT of pinning, and a lot of patience. But I love the outcome!
5. Afterwards I looked on their website and found out that they made a pre-ruffled ribbon! Thud. But I love the look of this still and am so glad I did it this way!
I made this layout using ribbon from the Jillibean Soup Kit Club called the Soup Kitchen.
This is the
Twill/Chevron Striped Ribbon 382-15-27. I got more of this in a different color and a different width when I won the May Arts contest (thanks for all the congrats by the way!!!). So you will see that coming up when I get back!
Thank you so much for checking out my post and good luck to all!!! :) Have a beautiful day!