First of all, welcome to all my new "followers". I am SO tickled pink that you decided to click that button and it means so much to me!
Next up, I have a request - most of us are card makers and a dear friend of mine and his wife just lost their 13 month old baby girl. It was something rare and in 30 hours she went from perfectly healthy to gone from their lives. There was nothing they could do. They were incredibly brave and donated her organs and already 5 children's lives have been saved. They are seeing the blessing in this storm and are leaning on God to guide them through this horrific time. Their names are Sean and Kjersten Post and their daughter's name was Brynnley.
I don't want to invade on their privacy, but if you would like to send a card to them, I would really love it if they knew how many people are praying for them and their situation.
If you feel lead and would like to send them a card, please send it to me and I will package them all off and send the cards to them:
Courtney Lee
451 Kansas Street #487
San Francisco, CA 94107
Lastly, we have a winner from Ashley's Birthday Blog Hop! Thank you Denine from Pumpkin Spice again and how cute is that little gift certificate that she made up? Sorry, it doesn't work without the secret coupon code, but I just had to share how cute it is!
The winner is Anna Dowdy! She has been a follower for a little while and I appreciate her comments! So congratulations Anna! Email me at and I will get you your coupon code to go shopping! :)

Oh my goodness Courtney this just breaks my heart! :( I am so so SO sorry for their loss. I can't even imagine the pain they are feeling right now. I know the card won't do much, but I absolutely will send one, along with my prayers for them and their family.
Oh, Court that is so horrible! I'm so sorry for the family. I hate hearing about children passing. What a selfless act of your friends to help other children when they are in such pain. Many prayers sent their way.
So, this just made me cry! It just breaks my heart to hear stories like this because it automatically makes me think about our girls! I will definitely make a card to let them know that there are people out there thinking of them! :)
God Bless them and you Court for sharing their story. Being a parent it is very easy to take for granted a 'perfectly healthy child'. I can not imagine the pain they are feeling right now and will continue to feel for some time. They will be in my thoughts for many weeks to come each time I look at my little pumpkin.
Hugs to them and to you. My heart aches for them.
My God wrap his arms around them and provide them strength during this time.
How awful! I have a 14 month old and I just can't imagine what they must be going through at all.. :(
I'm so sorry to hear about your friends' loss. I'll be praying for them. That's sweet of you to collect cards for them. Blessings!
This is absolutely heartbreaking. Sending lots of prayers for them. I can't even imagine what they must be feeling. Our friends had a baby in December and they haven't even been able to hold him yet. It is amazing the strength parents have. You are very kind to put out the request for cards.
Oh my. I am in tears again. It was so hard to miscarry; I cannot even imagine how horrible it must be to lose a small child. I will see if I can put a card together. Thank you for the initiative. Big hugs
How sad for them! Makes me choke up as well - can't imagine their pain right now. Praying for the Lord to hold them in his arms and give them the comfort only he can. I will try and get a card to you - what a kind thought.
Just became a follower of your blog - your creations are beautiful! Love Imaginise - that's how I found your blog!
Lets go to the Hop...Lets go to the hop... ;)
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