SO... I won 3 Birds on Parade from a good friend's blog and TOTALLY fell in love with this cart. So I waited for it to go on sale and bought it and have been hoarding it to give away to one of you! The Daisy Chain cart is just a bonus.
This is the last day of my giveaways so make sure you leave a comment on any day that you would like to win the prize! I will leave it open for a few days (or until I remember! Pregnancy brain!) and then I will pull a winner from each day to win the prizes! Good luck everyone and thank you thank you thank you again!!! You have all made this possible! :)

Thank you for the chance to win Court! I haven't bought/received a new cartridge in almost a year! Isn't that insane! I would love to have 3 Birds on Parade. Fingers crossed!
Congratulations on 500 posts! I love your crafts and you are such in inspiration to me! Thank you for the chance to win such fun and wonderful prizes!
I love the bird-themed projects you've made in the past. You're so talented!
Thanks for all the inspiration. Congratulations on this milestone.
Another awesome giveaway!! You are so sweet and generous Court. :) And I hate to tell you, that "pregnancy brain" you mentioned doesn't go away after giving birth... it gets worse!LOL! (at least it did for me!)
Wow! It would thrill me to win this cart! Thanks for your blog and for the chance to win!
one 4 god 3 at yahoo dot com
Hi. What a great give away. Would love to have this in my craft room. I am keeping you in my prayers for a safe, easy delivery. Always hate this part with all the anticipation but that is part of the fun. Enjoy! Regina
Would love to win these--I only own Create a Critter and George and Basic Shapes. thanks so much for the chance!
slrdowney at hotmail dot com
Oh yay! What a great giveaway!!! Thanks for the chance to win, Court. This has been a fun week.
I have truly enjoyed all of your daily giveaways, so kind, best wishes for the rest of your pregnancy!
Wow, what amazing daily giveaways. you've been busy. I would love the chance to win 3 Birds.
Would love to win this, thanks!!
Wow Court, thanks for a chance to win!!
and you saved the best to the last! You kindness is so unbliebable. You are such a sweet lady and with a heart this big you will make one heck of a good Mom! Thanks again.
That cartridge looks fun! Thanks for the chance to win! :)
Very cool giveaway! Thank you for such incredible generosity and congrats on 500 posts. looking forward to the next 500.
Oh wow, this is great, now I haven't heard of daisy chain and would love love love to win this!!!!
mzcherub at gmail dot com
3Birds is on my short list of really want so it would be awesome to win. Never heard of Daisy Hain but I'm sure I'll
love it too!
Lol on pregnancy brain, I still have it and it's been 3 years since I had my little Sophie =)
cool! I have a Cricut! Thanks for a chance to win a new cart!
Congrats on 500 posts!
Congrats - thanks for the chance!!!
So thankful for the chances to win Court. 3 Birds on Parade looks like a super fun cart to own. : ) -- I have to agree with an earlier comment that pregnancy brain doesn't really go away. My youngest is 18 months now and I still have pregnancy brain. lol. Best wishes on your upcoming delivery.
Congrats on your win.
I would love to win anything what is the daisy chain?
have a great day hugs Diana
AHHHH Birdie! So adorable.
Thank YOU Court! You are such an inspiration to me with every blog post! Congrats on the imminent arrival of BABY! :) Thanks for all the wonderful goodies to win!
Court, you are so right, any day now you'll have your little one in your arms :) I am so excited for you! Just get that big heart of yours ready because it's about to double in size. Thanks for stopping my my blog today and commenting on Brady, you are so sweet. Good luck and I'll be praying for a smooth delivery, hugs sweet momma and thanks for the chance to win :)
Thanks so much for the chance to win. This is so sweet of you. I would love to win this. I rarely get new carts and these look like fun.
Thanks Court for a chance at yet another great giveaway. I would love to win this. Congrats on your 500th post!
Wow 500 posts! Thanks for your inspiration!
That cart looks sooo cute!! I love your posts you have so much talent and just wanted to thank you for sharing with us.
Congrats again!! My mom has this cart and it is so adorable! I am getting ready to move to Hawaii so I won't be able to use it soon, so it is on my want list :) I am so excited for you and thanks for all the fun!
What a cute cartridge! Would love to win! Thanks for the chance!
Congrats and thanks for this giveaway.
What a great week of goodies and so nice of you to share your inspiration and your prizes with all of us. Looking forward to the next chapter in your life with the little bundle of joy and all the new projects you'll have to share (when you have time). Thanks for everything.
Aww! How super sweet! Thanks so much for all your wonderful projects and inspiration! Congrats again on your 500th! I can't wait to see whatever you share next!
thanks Courtney for all the great opportunities you have given us!!! love being your follower and again congrats!!
Congrats on 500 posts. Thanks for the chance to win.
vwilson577 at
This looks like a cute cartridge. Thanks for the chance to win. ♥ Jamie at CraftyGirl21
Have hear so much talk about this cart. Would love to win and see all the great cuts I've heard about.
marg0006 at verizon dot net
Congratulations on 500 posts! I have always wanted this cart, but have never bought it. Thanks for the chance to win.
Hi Court,
CONGRATULATIONS on 500 posts!!!!! :) And very late congratulations on your pregnancy!!! Do you know what you're having?! Do you already have a name picked out?
I miss visiting your blog and being a part of the crafting community, but I have been thinking about you because we recently added to our family: we got a maltipoo! I would have loved to have gotten a yorkie like Spoon! He's such a cutie!!! Now I have to go back & look up your post on using the vinyl to decorate his bowls.
Hope you're feeling well and I will check back to see when you deliver!
Crafty hugs,
I have seen a lot of things made using this cartridge but have not bought it yet I would love the chance to win congrats on 500 posts and best wishes in the remainder of your pregnancy
And thank you, thank you, thank you Court! So nice of you to share the love! --Pat N.
Oh what an honor it would be to win this fabulous prize!!!! YOU ROCK :)))))))
I want it,I want it,I want it !!
Great choise Court !!
Wow the last day. I enjoyed stopping by. Thanks so much for the chance to win! AJ~
Wow! Super cute cartridge. Thanks for the chance to win! Again! Congrats on your milestone.
What a fun week of giveaways! Thank you very much! I love your blog and projects.
amanbains1 at gmail dot com
What a great givaway, thank you for the oppurtunity to win!
sewwhat421 at aol dot com
Wow 500 post!!! CRAZY!!! Congratulations on both pregnancy and bloggy post!!!
love your projects!!!
pualiilii 1 at yahoo dot com
Congrats on 500!!!
Thank you for all the chances :) I am working my way thru your archives as I am a new follower. Thanks for all the inspiration
Sheri R
500 posts! Wow!!! Thanks for sharing your celebration with us! Great prizes!!
Oh how FUN!!! When this cartridge first came out, I remember not really being crazy about it...but as time has gone on, I have definitely fallen in love with it! Thanks for a chance to win it...although I will definitely be looking in to getting it one way or the other soon! Congrats again on 500!!!
Yay for 500 posts!! Thanks for the giveaways and your continued inspiration!!
I'm relatively new to your blog and can't wait to visit every part of it.
Thank you for offering such a neat prize...I am a cartridge a-holic...I don't know what I'd do if I actually won one! LOL! I have sincerely enjoyed your series of 500th Post Giveaways...I have been an email subscriber for a bit now and always seem to find something you've posted to inspire me! Here's to another 500 posts!
Tanya T
Great cartridges. Here's to 500 more.
Court thanks for all days opportunity in all the amazing giveaway. Happy Day!
I love that cartridge, it's one I do not have so thanks Court for the chance! Have a great Day!
Gohogwild dot renee at gmail dot com
My cartridge collection is slowly growing.. thanks to a little enabling from a few of our Imaginisce team members. ;) You make the cutest things and are a whiz with that machine. I use mine, but not as much as I should. I think that is my goal for myself. I have all kinds of ideas of things I want to do. I hope you are feeling well and can't wait to "meet" Baby Lee.
oh court, congratulations on your pregnancy. i just read about it while checking old google reader. i am so so so happy for you. nothing like being a mom. yay for you! congrats to your hubby too.
You are too sweet, Court! Congrats on the pregnancy! I can't wait to hear all about your adventure! I have always thought the 3birds cart is so cute, and would love to win! Thanks for the chance!
What a darling giveaway. This would be a fun cart to have.
Congrats on your pregnancy.
Haha...pregnancy brain...I love it!
This has been such a fun bunch of giveaways! I love how you spread it out and made it last!!! Thanks for your generousity and the great time!!
amyis300 AT hotmail DOT com
Wow!The last day and what a Giveaway!!Thank you Court!!!OMG!!Love the carts!!!What would I do if I win this.....hmmmmm.I would first make a welded card using the Lil Cute Bird holding the umbrella!!
That is awesome that you loved something so much you wanted to give it away! That means it is spectacular!!
Wow 500th! that is awesome. Great give away, dont have this cart but have been wanting it.
Thanks for all the giveaways and for a great blog to visit!
this is one of the carts on my ever growing wish list. thanks for the chance to win.
littlen44 at gmail dot com
I have been wanting the bird cart for a long time! I would love to win both carts! Thanks for the chance to win.
wow how exciting! Thanks for the wonderful chance!
Congrats on 500 posts! I think this is a great cartridge; thanks for giving us a chance to win it!
Thanks for a chance to win this cartridge! Congrats on your blog :)
Thank you for the giveaway! Also, thanks for your awesome blog.
Thank you for the chance to win! I am getting ready for a baby myself so I completely understand baby brain! :)
Fun, fun, fun.
Thank you for a chance to win these cool cartridge.
Pregnancy brain definitely turns into baby brain after you deliver and never seems to go away, or at least hasn't yet for me 4.5 yrs and 2 kids later!! ;) Good luck on your labor and delivery!!
Thanks for the chance to win these carts, I've never heard of Daisy Chain and I've been wanting 3 Birds!!
What a great giveaway!!! Thanks
You will be ok. Just keep them coming.
would LOVE to win thanks so much for the chance.
Congrats on the 500 posts. Thanks for the chance to win a prize!
Oooh Court, I have always wanted that 3 Birds cart. How cute. Thanks for the chance.
Sew Sweet N Crafty
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