First up, Imaginisce has just released their e-newsletter which looks AMAZING and has project ideas as well as product announcements in it. It will be released quarterly. It also has a giveaway for the Cricut Cake Mini™ and two extra cartridges inside! If you received it, great. If not, you can sign up here:
Tell your friends about it! It's going to be fabulous! You can check out the details at the Imaginisce blog!
Next up: EAD Designs!
EAD is looking for a
Before & After Girl.
What is a Before &After Girl...
One lucky girl will be chosen to receive free products of her choice
to show" before and after" pictures of
to show" before and after" pictures of
Home Decor, Wall Art,Wood Craft, Glass blocks,Decorating Idea, just about anything your crafty mind can think of.
Sorry no scrapbooking projects
We want to show our customer all the fun things
you can do to your home with our products.
We want to show our customer all the fun things
you can do to your home with our products.
You will be doing a post every Saturday
This post should include: professional looking photos of the before and after project.
Detailed information on your project.( supplies used, a link to the product you used, etc)
Please email applications or questions to
please include your name, blog, a little about yourself,
and anything else you would like to add.
you have until March 5th @ midnight to get you applications in..
So spread the word and we cant wait to hear from all of you
and anything else you would like to add.
you have until March 5th @ midnight to get you applications in..
So spread the word and we cant wait to hear from all of you
Okay! That is all for today! Tomorrow I will be on a plane to Florida and then will be hanging out with the HoneyBees! :) I still have not heard from my cartridge winner and will be picking a new one if I don't hear back from you so please check on THIS POST and contact me if you are the winner (Claudia, I already got yours, thank you!)!

Hmm...I know I signed up for the newsletter but I haven't getten it yet - should I try to sign up again? I don't want to miss it!!
Be safe traveling and have fun on your trip!
Cool, thanks for sharing! Have a good trip! :) Blessings!
sounds like FUN! be safe. you are just the traveling girl!!!!
Hi Court, I posted something on my blog for you
Have a great trip!
I just looked back to see who the winner was... it wasn't me, but it looks like the winner actually posted there with her email address. I know what it feels like to win something and miss out because I didn't email (I didn't know either.)
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